Friday, December 16, 2011

Finishing up.

It's been a strange week. I'm looking forward to hanging out in the Lud this weekend with Mike and Meg, trying out my new sewing machine, and getting ready to head home to Georgia on Tuesday. Christmas comes so much sooner these days than when I was younger. I remember one year I fell asleep with my head on a tie-dye beanbag chair (a birthday gift that year) (yup) and my feet on a pink blow-up plastic chair. I was so antsy the whole night, then when I heard my parents sneaking out to the living room, I forced myself to fall asleep. I do miss those mornings of waking up with my dad before everyone else, sipping coffee and chatting quietly before all the bustle began. I'd always put our VHS of How the Grinch Stole Christmas in the VCR and nod off on the couch while my dad got started on breakfast. So much has changed since those days--some bad, some good, all irreversible--but I am thankful for the times that have come before, and the times that lay ahead.

Today I spent my lunch hour at Joann's Fabrics, buying last minute gift idea supplies. Mike's parents gave me a gift card for Joann's, thus fueling my current obsession with making things. I've been feeling a little under the weather, so it's nice to already be home when the workday ends.

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