Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Got the itch.

I just spent a good part of my morning emailing recipes to myself from smittenkitchen.com. Everything looks delicious, albeit slightly more intricate than I usually attempt in the kitchen, but ultimately worth it. I found the perfect recipe to attempt when Mike's here on Wednesday, and the most absolutely amazing what-I'm-craving recipe for tonight. Tonight is Mel night. My writing group is taking a field trip to a reading in JP, and I'm taking advantage of feeling a bit under the weather to hole up in my apartment, change the light bulb in our hallway, bake a bacon and onion pizza, watch a movie, sew some things that need sewing, and repaint my nails. All after a trip to the library, of course.

Last night I went to a hip hop class with KMo and Eleanor at the dance complex in Central Square. I am officially in love. I'm going to volunteer at least once a week so I can start taking the hip hop class or the street funk class on Sundays. The building is beautiful and has the feel of an actual community center. The experience reminded me that when I buy a house, I need a huge living room or kitchen for dance parties.

Received news that my flash piece "Mother Knows Best" will be published this summer in the Fwriction : Review, which is so exciting! Getting antsy waiting to hear back about Redivider, but jumping into Nabokov's Laughter in the Dark for my book club's next choice should take my mind off of it.

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