Friday, March 30, 2012

The give and take of adulthood.

Some days I just feel like the biggest dummy at work. Turns out, being an adult just means being able to lick your own wounds, all while you lift up that chin, tell yourself you're good enough, and move forward. Luckily, it also means eating cereal for dinner and ice cream for breakfast.

So today, I'm making some decisions. Today I won't feel bad for asking too many questions, for curiosity and a growing capacity for knowledge. Today I won't say no to a second cup of coffee, to a long, tight hug, to a second read of an old letter. Today, I'll take a slow and meandering walk without headphones, without cameras, without agenda.

This woman reminded me that I am too hard on myself sometimes. And, sometimes, what we think of ourselves can color the ways we think of others. So, today, I'm choosing to see myself happy, content, smart, and exactly as I should be, right here, right now.

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